Big Projects
We collaborate with schools to ignite a culture of project-based, inquiry-driven learning on campus.
Big projects spark big pedagogical shifts towards inquiry, authenticity and joy.
start before you're ready
We believe that the best way to begin is to begin: That's why our approach to "project-based learning" (or any other form of inquiry-driven pedagogy) is to jump right in. We specialize in collaborating with schools to organize community events that invite students and teachers to bridge the classroom with civic life. Our fee for a long-term project begins at $5000.
what's better about going big?
Many schools are deeply invested in making a shift towards inquiry-driven learning, but need a boost in order to make it happen. Other schools aren't sure if it's the right approach, and want to see a "proof of concept" with a particular department before expanding it to the whole faculty.
Public events inspire a sense of urgency, camaraderie, and immense pride in both educators and students. They inspire teachers to teach to their highest abilities. The real-world constraints – a date, a location, an authentic audience, and a contemporary purpose – drive powerful conversations about what learning can look like when it extends beyond the classroom.
A case study: The Sonoma County Inquiry Fellowship
In response to the 2017 North Bay fires in Northern California, we collaborated with a cohort of 18 local teachers to publish an anthology of student contributions reflecting on how it feels to live in Sonoma County this year. The Inquiry Fellowship, sponsored by the Sonoma County Office of Education, represented four in-person workshops and a final public showcase hosted at the Santa Rosa Courthouse Square.
The photos above document a visit to the former Fresh Kills Landfill site (on Staten Island in New York) with Public Lab's Balloon Mapping Kit.